Tishaura O. Jones, African American Politics, Black Politics, KOLUMN Magazine, KOLUMN, KINDR'D Magazine, KINDR'D, Willoughby Avenue, Wriit,

Open letter to the Post-Dispatch remembering its 23 editorial attacks on me | The St. Louis American

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Open letter to the Post-Dispatch remembering its 23 editorial attacks on me | The St. Louis American

By Tishaura O. Jones For The St. Louis American, The St. Louis American

Thank you for the invitation. However, I distinctly remember that your editorial board at the Post-Dispatch made a decision in July 2016 not to endorse in county races other than circuit attorney. In case you forgot, here’s a link to the editorial where you said “the only candidates we would endorse are those with solid qualifications who also promise to work to eliminate the office.” And since I am not making that promise, I believe that makes me ineligible for consideration. 

Famous St. Louisan Maya Angelou once said, “When people show you who they are, believe them, the first time.” So, I’m going to take your word for it. Since 2016, this editorial board has done nothing but use its pen, ink, and declining readership to try to disparage my reputation as a public servant of the city I love and serve. Consequently, I am not inclined to accept your invitation. However, what I will do is use this as an opportunity to take a stroll down memory lane of your petty editorials. Shall we?

Featured Image, Wiley Price
Full article @ The St. Louis American