Philadelphia Public Schools, Minority Teachers, KOLUMN Magazine, Kolumn

Philadelphia School District Recruiting Heavily for Minority Teachers

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Philadelphia School District Recruiting Heavily for Minority Teachers

Philadelphia School District Recruiting Heavily for Minority Teachers


Philadelphia Public Schools, Minority Teachers, KOLUMN Magazine, Kolumn

[two_third padding=”0 30px 0 10px”][dropcap]Philadelphia[/dropcap] School Superintendent William Hite and city teachers union President Jerry Jordan announced a campaign Tuesday to recruit minority teachers, especially African-American men, to help fill up to 1,200 vacancies.

The educators made the announcement during an editorial board meeting at The Tribune.

“We are in a recruitment mode, in a hiring mode and very specifically look for minorities so they are representative of the clients we serve,” Hite said.
Philadelphia Public Schools, Minority Teachers, KOLUMN Magazine, Kolumn[/two_third][one_third_last padding=”0 0px 0 10px”]

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[/otw_shortcode_info_box][mashshare]SCHOOL DISTRICT OF PHIL.
The School District of Philadelphia is the school district that includes all public schools in Philadelphia. Established in 1818, it is the eighth largest school district in the nation.

The School Board was created in 1850 to oversee the schools of Philadelphia. The Act of Assembly of April 5, 1867, designated that the Controllers of the Public Schools of Philadelphia were to be appointed by the judges of the Court of Common Pleas. There was one Controller to be appointed from each ward. This was done to eliminate politics from the management of the schools. WIKIPEDIA[/one_third_last]