Show:UP! – The Best Dinner Party Ever Pops UP in Detroit

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Show:UP! – The Best Dinner Party Ever Pops UP in Detroit

By AJ Williams, Michigan Chronicle Web Editor

We Break For “Creative” Business with Show:UP! Creative Directors, William Bryant Miles and Nickolas Vaughan, Creative Director:

AJ Williams, Michigan Chronicle: What is Show:UP!?

William Bryant Miles: Show:UP! is an interactive, immersive pop-up dinner party. That means Show:UP! takes place in an actual home, taken over by Show:UP! for the night. Guests buy tickets and engage with a unique theatrical experience. We say interactive because guests have to participate – they don’t just they don’t just sit back and watch someone perform, but it’s not “murder mystery” and they don’t have to assume a character. It’s immersive because the environment is completely authentic to a dinner party experience.

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